27 Things to do for Learning 2.0, Seven and 1/2 Habits of Highly Successful Lifelong Learners, don't we just love numbers? They are comforting, giving us a grasp, although it might be feeble, on information and problems.
On the other hand, they can alienate. At Toastmasters we are told to give low numbers for things people can do to combat a certain problem. Last night, Don wanted us to do 7 things for the pet overpopulation problem (number one, Spay Day today!); he was told that seven was too many and didn't he skip #2? The old boyfriend loved numbers which I found funny sometimes especially since I have a problem remembering numbers such as population statistics--until he said that he wouldn't be physically abusive again for another 3 years (I guess since we had been together for that number of years before the first incident). Oh, that was comforting--NOT!