YouTube is addictive! I have found it so before. Looking at one video can lead you to another and another and another. I now have at least 6 videos on my myspace page. I love the ones of Margaret Cho and the ones of "bad cats". I love the one of the little boy, perhaps 5 years old, reciting all the capitols of the U.S. He is amazing! I am still looking for the one of the blonde TV moderator who is describing a particularly winsome tiger or lion and makes a slip of the tongue. That is hilarious!
I've enjoyed podcasts for a while, perhaps soon after I got my iPod. There are too many to even listen to. I used to pay to listen to This American Life and it feels like a minor revolution that it is now available FREE as a podcast! You mean I don't have to be chained to the radio every Friday night or Saturday morning? There are many sexy podcasts but not that many funny ones. Harry Shearer and his Le Show is pretty funny but he talks more about politics and the show is too long.
I have experience mainly frustration with ebooks, specifically eAudio books (I tried to listen to Da Vinci Code and it put me in the 46th chapter to start with and I couldn't get to the first chapter) and Playaway (I couldn't hear it well enough to listen to in the car so I had to give up on that). Since I am in the dark ages and still have a cassette player in my car, I think I'll just stick to books on tape (that is, until I get that mp3 player and am able to download books for free!).