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Monday, March 05, 2007


Why is Dia de los Muertos so appealing? I was in San Miguel de Allende this past November and there were a ton of Americans (estadounidenses), maybe because people weren't going to Oaxaca for that holiday due to the political problems there. So with all the Americans celebrating Day of the Dead and quite a few people doing the ol' Trick or Treat shtick, the plaza was crowded! Some of the Mexican parents were teaching their kids to ask for candy and that disturbed me; although I like the holiday, I didn't think we should teach the kids begging. Their own customs are so rich! The little girl dressed up as a skeleton with her confused and lost expression seemed to stand for the changing customs in Mexico and especially in San Miguel.


Chiquilla said...

Hola Carlita,
Gracias por dejar comentario en mi blog. Dicto clases de inglés para hispanoparlante en Crossroads y tambien he ofrecido coursos de computación en español. De hecho, siento que pudiera hacer mas para la comuidad Latina si tuviera mas horas de trabajo dedicadas a eso.
Usted donde trabaja? Se va a ir a la reunión de HOLA?

carlitabay said...

La reunion esta en abril, si? Creo que voy a ir pero todavia no tengo permiso de mi jefe.